It ‘s over the time when our house was flooded with useless gifts and Old-Style choices often according to the dubious pleasure of friends and relatives.
Thanks to the wedding list you can carve out a moment for the newlyweds to plan together and choose everything ‘that will become an essential part of their daily lives according to their needs. Since 1820 we entered the homes of most Roman families with quality products and guiding them luxury, thanks to our dedicated staff, the selection of porcelain, furniture accessories and lighting.
Limentani today is no longer synonymous exclusive art of the table, but is enriched with new brand leader in the furniture field to provide an even wider choice that will allow you to reorganize your new home by leaving the kitchen.
Thanks to the service offered by the “on-line List” will give the opportunity to friends and some distant relatives to buy from home comfortably one of the articles you have selected, you will have fully customizable restricted area, from which you can activate the notification service to stay constantly updated in real time on the escapees gifts. These are just some examples of the advantages to open a list from us … the rest venitelo discover in our stores.