Any advice from tradition to ensure a perfect outcome of your event.

We ship three months before the wedding date after taking the address list . It is up to the bride’s family to provide financial burden taking care to ask the parents of the groom to print and how many shares representing them, then , to deliver them with the corresponding envelopes.
Compare the lists of addresses, you should avoid sending duplicates to knowledge in common.
If you will want to ‘ comply with an elegant tradition , the announcement of the wedding will take place on the part of families. On the front of the left , the names of the bride’s parents , on the front right , the parents of the groom.
They will be printed even complete addresses , possibly including also the home of the bride and groom. At the center , date and place of the ceremony.
If the bride and groom choose to be announcing their marriage, to the left will be ‘ the place name and surname of the groom and on the right , that of the bride.
In all cases, if the ticket is addressed to spouses , will not be ‘ delivered in the workplace , but to the private address .
If, however , the ticket ‘ delivered in the workplace , must’ be given the professional title of the recipient. The addresses on the envelopes , again , must be written by hand.
Any invitation to the reception to be inserted into the investment. These examples will help in the compilation of the call: (After the ceremony the newlyweds will greet relatives and friends / Grand Hotel / cable … or After the ceremony Paolo and Francesca greet …).
It should be made following the indication of a telephone number at which the guests will be able to confirm their presence and to the right of the ticket, you should not forget to print the initials RSVP (Répondez s’il vous plait) and that ‘, in fact, the request to respond to the invitation.
Any candy will ‘choice, according to your taste and style of the wedding, the gift will be’ the same for all those who have made a gift. Only the witnesses will be reserved for a particular object.
Together with confetti, an odd number, three or five, there will be a small card with the names of the bride and groom and the wedding date.
wedding favors will be delivered by marriage took place, about twenty days after the ceremony, accompanied by a business card with the names of the bride and groom.
For convenience ‘Today, many newlyweds deliver the favors at the end of the reception, but it is a convenience that has nothing to do with etiquette.
The confetti, however, will be distributed at the end of the reception. Will be taken with a spoon from a large tray or potra ‘be offered a bag packed.
It must be prepared on time and with care by contacting the specialist shop to make an appointment right reserved to the compilation of the list. The bride and groom will be followed by staff who carry out ‘a real driving advice in selecting, recommending and illustrating the characteristics of the various pieces to be included in the list.
It is important not to overdo it. No to too many bows and flowers, not the clothes too clingy or necklines breathtaking. No excessive glitter rhinestones. The elegance and ‘ measure. The elegance and ‘ too casually . Better not to play a character far from his own personality ‘ , will prevent ‘ to make the bride feel awkward .
If the wedding is set for the winter months, will be ‘more ‘ refined to give up capes or stoles preferring , instead , a dress in fabric more ‘heavy .
As for the color of the dress, in addition to the traditional white, all shades of cream and champagne are considered elegant . The trouser suits , for many elegant , befitting the most ‘ at a party than a wedding. The shoes will be in the same shade of the dress, preferably the classic neckline. Allowed gloves, in the same color with the dress.
The hairstyle must ‘ be done from trusted hairdresser , but in this case the measure and sobriety’ will trump cards for elegance.
Avoid the hat, permitted , however, to the mothers and the ladies invited , but if you do not remove during the reception is held outdoors .
The bride will give up ‘ to jewelry, allowed only two small earrings to hide the earlobe. The trick will be ‘based on discretion.
The tests must be made with the makeup artist to take care of your nails and will not cover them with colored glazes , enough ‘ to finish.
Do not forget that your hands with wedding ring , will be featured throughout the day . Since leaving home even if you wear glasses always better to rely on contact lenses.
The man will wear ‘ tuxedo .
The elegance says it to tight , but only if it is a church ceremony , within 18 hours . Preferably , the groom will wear ‘ a dark suit with a classic cut, dark gray . The shirt will be white with classic collar , preferably with twins cuffs.
If the groom should choose tight , the dress will be worn by four witnesses , the brothers of the bride and groom, the father of him, one of her relatives and the more ‘ tight. Assuming a handkerchief in the breast pocket , white or silk, matching the tie. Cap , a white carnation or a gardenia . Knee socks , dark colored shoes with laces without stitching.